Well it’s been a long time since I managed to get onto our computer, so much has happened. Monica has presented us with another set of triplets, we have called them Colin, Katie and Mickey.
One day we all went to see some helicopters at the heliport they were great and made lots of noise and flew very fast.
Kevin saw the sign saying you could have a ride around the heliport and pleaded with us to let him have a go, in the end we had to give in, so we paid the pilot.
Kevin was soon all strapped up in his harness and after a big hug from his mom he was whisked up into the sky.
When we were all at home we had a call from the police, my cousin Cyril (the stunt monkey) had had an accident whilst filming the latest block buster – White Van Monkey. His safety harness failed and he fell off the front of the van.
He has two broken legs, and right arm and fractured his left collar bone. He was flown home in a helicopter
then transferred into an ambulance and brought home where he is recovering well.